mercredi 2 mai 2012

The colonization

    From 1765, the English Company of the Mughal emperor receives the power to levy taxes and make the civil justice in Bengal, the Nawab of Bengal preserving the prerogatives of defense and criminal justice. But soon, the real power is in English hands. With the arrival in 1798 of Richard Wellesley as Governor Generalof India, a plan of conquest is implemented and, at the end of the nineteenth century, India and Burma are English.

In 1813, the Company lost its trading monopoly, and becomes an instrument of British government and the army absorbs half of its budget expenditures; Persian is replaced by English as the official language.
     In 1857, the sepoys (native troops under British command) mutiny and insurrection quickly wins the Ganges Valley, and is violently crushed with military aid from the metropolis.

  The Company is removed and cedes power to the British Crown, the colonial government is overseen from London by the India Office (Department of genuine India).

India during the colonization

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